Tjerk Hiddes at sea. She is in late war camouflage, typical for ships operating in the Far East. Date and place unknown. (Collection webmaster)
Update August 10, 2008: The photo clearly showes that the Hiddes is carrying a "lattice" mast instead of the original pole mast. This lattice mast was fitted during a refit in 1945. This dates the photo as taken after January 3, 1946. (thanks to Rob Burgerhout for this information)
Update June 9, 2013: I have purchased a copy of this photo. The photo has a date on the back "11/4/1946" which can either be interpreted as April 11, 1946 or November 4, 1946. |
Van Galen in port. Just forward of the aft turret, a single 4-inch gun can be seen. This gun was later replaced by the second torpedo bank. The absence of this torpedo bank and camouflage would suggest this photo was taken shortly after completion. The snow-covered mountains in the background seem to confirm this (Van Galen was completed in Dumbarton, in February 1942, and sent to the Far East shortly after completing trials and training)(Collection webmaster)
Update August 10, 2008: The photo shows the Van Galen in her original type AP507B colors. After arrival in the Far East in the summer of 1942, a two-color color scheme (AP507A and AP507C) was applied. This definitely dates this photo as early 1942. (thanks to Rob Burgerhout for this information) |
Van Galen taking over fuel from the British battlecruiser HMS Renown. In the left background, an unidentified British aircraft carrier can be seen. This photo was most likely taken during her stay with the Eastern Fleet, but exact date is unknown (Collection Tony Struijk)
Update August 10, 2008: This photo was most likely taken on October 16, 1944 during Operation Millett. Operation Millet was a diversionary attack on the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean. The fleet carrier in the background is in this case either HMS Indomitable or HMS Victorious, both of which took part in the operation. (thanks to Rob Burgerhout for this information) |
Van Galen entering Fremantle, Australia after World War II, date unknown (Collection Saxon Fogarty, contributed by Kevin Lock). |